

Infections services offered in Rock Hill, SC


Unaddressed infections can significantly affect your health and well-being, often causing subtle symptoms that may go unnoticed until they’re severe. At Arbor Vitae Holistic Medical Center in Rock Hill, South Carolina, Shawnie Perkins, MSPA, PA-C and the experienced functional medicine team provide holistic treatments that can help support lasting healing. Call today or schedule an appointment online to learn more.

Infections Q & A

What are infections?

Infections occur when harmful germs like bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites invade your body and start multiplying. These pathogens can disrupt how your body normally functions and make you feel sick or unwell. Depending on their severity, infections can vary from slightly bothersome to serious medical emergencies.


Infections can target different parts of your body, such as your lungs, stomach, skin, or neurologic system. When your body detects these invaders, your immune system fights to help you recover.  At Arbor Vitae Holistic Medical Center, the team takes a functional medicine approach to infections. We focus on treating  and understanding the underlying imbalances in your body that may contribute to the infection.

Are there different types of infections?

Arbor Vitae Holistic Medical Center provides comprehensive care for all types of infections, including:

Viral infections

These include viruses such as the common cold, influenza (flu), COVID-19, and viral pneumonia. Viruses can be challenging to treat and do not respond to antibiotics.

Bacterial infections

These result from bacteria invading the body and can include conditions like urinary tract infections (UTIs), strep throat, and bacterial pneumonia. While bacterial infections can interfere with many bodily functions and cause discomfort, they typically respond to antibiotics (herbal or medication).


Arbor Vitae Holistic Medical Center specializes in treatment of Lyme disease and tickborne infections. This complex bacterial infection and its co-infections can cause fever, joint pain, fatigue, neurologic or mood symptoms and other vague or inexplicable symptoms.  Referred to as "the Great Imitator," these infections are commonly misdiagnosed, leading to prolonged suffering for patients and families.

Parasitic infections

Parasites can cause infections such as malaria, giardiasis, and toxoplasmosis, affecting various organs and bodily systems.  They are often associated with diagnoses such as IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), TMJ and dermatitis (skin rashes).

Fungal infections

Fungi can lead to local infections like athlete's foot, ringworm, and fungal nail infections, affecting the skin, nails, and mucous membranes.  They can also affect the lungs, gut and brain, leading to a variety of chronic and oftentimes disabling symptoms.

How are infections diagnosed?

Diagnostic testing is the only surefire way to determine whether you have an infection. After a comprehensive medical history review and physical exam, the team may collect samples from your nose and throat, urine, blood, or stool for testing. 


Arbor Vitae Holistic Medical Center has in-house laboratory testing for your convenience, so you don’t have to travel to multiple locations.

What are the treatments for infections?

Arbor Vitae Holistic Medical Center offers many holistic, integrative treatments for infections, including:


  • Nutrition and lifestyle modifications
  • Nutritional supplements
  • Hyperbaric oxygen therapy
  • Antimicrobial therapies
  • Medications
  • Coordination with specialists


Whether you have an acute infection or long-term effects from a previous infection, Arbor Vitae Holistic Medical Center provides comprehensive care and support. Call or schedule an appointment online today to learn more.