
Chronic Pain

Chronic Pain services offered in Rock Hill, SC

Chronic Pain

Trying to find an effective treatment to reduce your chronic pain can leave you feeling frustrated and hopeless. Shawnie Perkins, MSPA, PA-C; Camden Messier, FNP-C; and the team at Arbor Vitae Holistic Medical Center in Rock Hill, South Carolina, take a holistic approach to chronic pain, utilizing innovative tools that focus on treating the source of your pain. Call today or schedule an appointment online to learn more about chronic pain treatments at the functional medicine practice.

Chronic Pain Q & A

Why do I have chronic pain?

Chronic pain is pain that lasts three or more months. You can develop this type of pain from any number of causes. 


Pain is an uncomfortable sensation your body uses to tell you something is wrong. Most pain is acute and develops from an injury or disease. Once the body heals, the pain goes away. 


However, you can continue to have pain after you recover from your initial injury or illness. This ongoing pain may occur because of changes to your sensory nerves that make you more sensitive to the painful sensations. 


You can also have a chronic pain condition such as:


  • Arthritis
  • Neck or back pain
  • Cancer pain
  • Headaches or migraines
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Nerve pain


Sometimes the cause of the pain is difficult to pinpoint.

When should I see functional medicine for chronic pain?

The team at Arbor Vitae Holistic Medical Center recommends you come in for a functional medicine evaluation if you’re looking for a more holistic approach to your chronic pain. Functional medicine focuses on finding and treating the root cause of your pain to significantly reduce your symptoms, or eliminate them altogether.


Your provider conducts a comprehensive evaluation at your initial visit. They ask detailed questions about your pain, usual diet, exercise routine, work and home life, health history, and family history. 


They perform a physical exam and run lab work to confirm or rule out the cause of your pain. Arbor Vitae Holistic Medical Center offers onsite lab testing for your convenience.

What treatments can help my chronic pain?

Arbor Vitae Holistic Medical Center individualized treatment plans for chronic pain, focusing on the root cause of your discomfort. Treatment may include:


  • Nutrition therapy
  • Nutritional supplements
  • Exercise program
  • Weight loss
  • Hyperbaric oxygen therapy


Arbor Vitae Holistic Medical Center also uses RST Sanexas neoGEN® electric cell-signaling treatment (EcST) for chronic pain. This innovative tool uses pulsed energy to increase circulation, restore nerve function, and reduce your pain.


RST Sanexas neoGEN is safe, effective, and noninvasive.


Your provider at Arbor Vitae Holistic Medical Center schedules regular follow-up visits after initiating your treatment plan to provide the support and guidance necessary to create the lifestyle changes that lead to healing and better health.


Call Arbor Vitae Holistic Medical Center today or schedule your chronic pain consultation using the online booking button.