
Weight Loss Program

Weight Loss Program

Are you having difficulty losing weight? Do you drop a few pounds then put it right back on? Let Arbor Vitae Holistic Medical Center help!

Our goal in the weight loss program is to achieve fat loss, then teach you how to optimize your nutrition and lifestyle to keep it off for good.

Our program focuses on reprogramming your relationship with food and emotional triggers that keep you returning to unhealthy choices.

Program Duration

The program runs in a small group setting (with 3 individual visits) for 10 weeks and is based on the pioneering work on hCG by world-famous endocrinologist Dr. Albert T. W. Simeons. (No hCG injections or medications are used in this protocol.)

Program Details

The program starts with a few simple lab tests and a comprehensive medical history and exam to ensure that you will do well on this protocol. At this initial appointment we will also review lab results, take initial measurements, and review the program in detail. You will be given your kit and any additional recommended supplements, and you will start on the detox phase of the program. You will be given a schedule for weekly virtual group meetings.

The majority of patients will lose between 10-15% of their body weight in one cycle; the program may be repeated if needed to reach weight loss goals.

Phases of the Program

  • PHASE 1: DETOX - 7 days

  • PHASE 2: FAT LOADING - 2 days


  • PHASE 4: MAINTENANCE - 21 days

Final measurements are taken at the end of this phase.

  • PHASE 5: CHANGES FOR LIFE - 21 days

Complete Program Price $1499

Payment options are available. Includes kit/supplements needed for the program; additional personalized recommendations may be purchased separately. Labs will be billed to insurance when available. 

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